Thursday, August 14, 2008

<<< IsLaM >>>


What do you know about it???!!
Islam is a way of life, try it.
Islam is a gift, accept it.
Islam is a journey, complete it.
Islam is a struggle, fight for it.
Islam is a goal, achieve it.
Islam is an oppurtunity, take it.
Islam is not for sinners, overcome it.
Islam is not a game, DON'T PLAY with it.
Islam is not mystery, behold it.
Islam is not for cowards, face it.
Islam is not for the dead, live it.
Islam is a promise, fulfill it.
Islam is a duty, perform it.
Islam is a treasure(the prayer), pray it.
Islam is a beautiful way of life, see it.
Islam has a message for you, hear it.
Islam is love, love it.
Remember my brothers and sisters that we have so much to be thankful forNo matter wot they say ISLAM is the worlds fastest growing religion.

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